ThoughtWorks Beats Google And Facebook As Top Company For Women In Tech - Shelby Carpenter

Less than one third of technical positions are occupied by women at top tech companies, according the latest numbers released by the Anita Borg Institute. But a handful are making strides toward change, and ThoughtWorks is top among them with industry-leading gender diversity numbers announced today.

“I wish I was able to stand here and say we’ve solved the gender gap,” said Rebecca Parsons, chief technical officer for ThoughtWorks, a technology consulting and agile software development company with more than 4,000 employees in 16 countries. “Though things are much better than they were years ago, we know that’s not the case.”

Women actually hold the majority of positions–59.6%–at ThoughtWorks compared to the average 26.8% of companies included in the survey. Those numbers dropped with each level of seniority, down to 23.8% of women at the executive level. That’s still significantly better than the survey average of 14.1% of women at the executive ranks.

The announcement came at the Grace Hopper Conference Celebration of Women in Computing in Houston, Texas, where ThoughtWorks received the 2016 award for Top Companies for Women Technologists. Launched in 2011, the Top Companies program from the Anita Borg Institute measures how companies recruit, retain and advance women within their ranks. Sixty companies participated this year, including Intel, Google, IBM, and Facebook.

“Now is not the time to rest on our laurels,” Parsons said onstage to audience applause. “Let’s redouble our efforts.”


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