
Dear readers,,

*"""""I love this write-up""""*

Every king was once a crying baby and every building was once a picture.

The person you admire so much was once a nobody. The most anointed man you see was once a church member.

The person you attended his or her wedding was once a chief bachelor or spinster. ********So why worry in life?**********

It's not about where you are today but where you will reach tomorrow.**************DO YOU KNOW THAT - - - Alphabet "O'' which stands for Opportunity, is absent in ''yesterday'' but once in ''tOday'' And thrice in ''tOmOrrOw'' So Stay Positive Always and have hope. **,,,,,,,,, ******** *************Your tomorrow will surely be better than today. Believe in yourself and never give up. ......Your future is bright!!

Have a wonderful weekend


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