Animal Activist Speaks on why people are cruel- solution to end human brutality. - Chichi Chiemeka
The reason why people are cruel is because they don't have passion for things created by God. Today the main things that people have difficulty understanding about is why nice people such as their uncles and aunties and social friends do bad things specially hurting their fellow human being. It is useful for all of us to take time every so often to think about this issue.
Some people seem to take sadistic pleasure for being cruel but these are in the minority. We believe that most people are cruel but these are in the minority. We believe that most people are cruel through ignorance or they are so detached from their fellow creatures.
We all need to accept that people who are cruel are capable of contributing negatively to the society. Once we feel comfortable accepting this, we should consider possible solution to end this menace. We will also be in a much stronger position to actually do something about it.
Most of the things we do and the attitudes we have towards others are based on the belief pattern which we have in our minds. These act as moral codes, or lists of do's and don’t which we follow as he live our lives.
We begin to form this belief pattern in our early childhood and then we adapt and add to them throughout our lives.
Let me say here that animal cruelty is not simply a total solution to end human brutality but it could reduce it to a minimal. It is confirmed that every Nigerian is an animal eater. In many parts of India, it is considered completed and unacceptable to eat cows.
In one of the countries, few years ago, two pigs escaped a slaughter house and were on the run for several days. There was a lot of media interest in this story; in fact the pigs were given so many names by the press. Once the pigs had been caught, public pressure was so strong that instead of being slaughtered, there were taken to an animal shelter.
No doubt some of the millions of people who followed this story stopped eating meat as a result, but the vast majority of people continued to eat meats.
We all need to regularly examine the social pressure which can people to do cruel things and to resist change .one understand this socialisation process more clearly. We are in a stronger position to fight it.
We are in a part of history. His much we help to change many course of history is up to us to decide. We need to challenge many of the strongest yet most subtle ideologies which influence peoples behaviour.
This is not an easy task and you should not expect amazing overnight victories, but slowly the humane message is getting through and you can help it to gather pace.. All beings tremble before violence . all fear death. All love life. See yourself in others. Then whom can you hurt? What harm do you do? What goes around comes around. You get back. What you give out.
It is widely believed that if you commit acts of cruelty or dishonesty , the universal law of recompense will see to it that you are shown the error of your ways, because the ultimate evolutionary pinnacle which are all slowly moving towards is of universal love and harmony.
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