*I officially congratulate and welcome you to DAY 10th OF JANUARY 2022*. Indeed, it was a privilege not by might.

Now that the anticipated 2022 is here, you will agree with me that time is an opportunity given to everyone, and it doesn't look like time will wait for anyone this year. That's why I want to share with you the three important factors that will become your advantage and separate you from others irrespective of where you are and what you do in 2022.

You have heard it many times from the people that everyone is born equals. Well, it's true, we are born equals. However, when you see two or more people which engaged in the same business and ended up having different results, you should know that some factors contributed to those results. That's why I'm here today to inform you that, all men are the same, EXCEPT for these three qualities, and if you can work on these three qualities in your life in 2022, you will end up standing out among others: 

1. The quality of information you have access to

📍Allow me to share with you what happened in Babylon thousand years ago...

Some young men without any physical defect were brought before the Babylonian king. They were to be trained for three years, and after that to enter the king's service. But these folks requested to eat just vegetables and drink water for ten days.

At the end of the ten days, they looked healthier and better nourished than any of the young men who ate the palace food. And in every matter of wisdom and understanding, the king found them ten times better than all the magicians and soothsayers in his whole kingdom.

You see, success and greatness don't come through might and power. It comes from enlightenment. What Daniel and his friends knew were the reasons they turned their back against special meals recommended for them. They knew that just eating vegetables and water alone is enough for them to have better results than others. 

In your journey in 2022, if you are like them, your results will also be like them. You need to equip yourself with correct information and revelation about your life and business for you to be different from others.

If I know what Dr. Myles Munroe knew in his business, and I also do what he did, I will certainly have his results. Therefore, your access to quality information about what you do will provide leverage for you in 2022.

2. The quality of your relationship 

📍 Let me take you through an event that happened in the land of Susa, during the reign of King Xerxes.

When the king's order and edict had been proclaimed, many young women were brought to the citadel of Susa and put under the care of Hegai. Esther also was taken to the king's palace and entrusted to Hegai, who is in charge of the harem. Esther pleased him and won his favor. Immediately he provided her with beauty ointments and special food. He assigned to her seven female attendants selected from the king's palace and moved her and her attendant into the best place in the harem. When the turn came for Esther to go to the king, she asked for nothing other than what Hegai, the king's eunuch suggested. Esther won the favor of everyone who saw her, and the king was attracted to her more than any of the other virgins. So he set a royal crown on her head and married her.

I always tell you, a relationship is leverage. It can give you everything money can buy. Your 2022 prayer points are someone else tired experiences. When you meet such a person, you can have every of your request answered within a day. 

Esther pleased Hegai, and she enjoyed special treatment from him. If you know a man who is holding a special key in your life, don't be too proud to communicate your respect and honor for the person. Don't fall out of favor from the hand of those who have the power to lift you.

Your next breakthrough will come from someone. Your prayer will be answered through someone. That's why you must make sure you honor men. 

A relationship is an advantage. If you don't have money but rich in a relationship, you will never suffer. 

A quality relationship with a gatekeeper can single-handedly bring you out from your mates, and grant you access to lifetime opportunities.

3. The quality of spiritual empowerment upon your life

📍Jehu was just an ordinary soldier. But spiritual empowerment took him out from his colleagues and made him a king. Please follow me...

Jehu got up and went into the house. Then the prophet poured the oil on Jehu's head and declared; "This is what the Lord God of Israel, says: "I anoint you king over the Lord's people Israel. You are to destroy the house of Ahab your master, and I will avenge the blood of the Lord's servant shed by Jezebel..."

When Jehu return to his fellow officers, they took their cloaks and spread them under him on the bare steps. Then they blew the trumpet and shouted, "Jehu is king!"

The third advantage that separates men from others is the level of spiritual empowerment in their lives. 

When you fight a man who is empowered by God, you will fail. Because spiritual empowerment is divine leverage by which men rise in life.

This has nothing to do with laws or principles. Whosoever received this impartation from God will receive the favor of God in his dealings no matter how dumb or foolish the person may be. This empowerment was what Jehu received which enabled him to destroy the whole house of Ahab and became the king. This empowerment was the reason young David can confront Goliath.

As the year started, you will observe different church denominations embarking on long days of fasting and prayers. To some people, these scheduled fasting and prayers activities may not make sense to them, but the truth is that it is a medium in which people take advantage of divine power to position their activities for the year.

Never joke with divine leverage. When you receive this empowerment, what suppose to harm you will naturally favor you. With spiritual empowerment, anything on earth will bow when they see you.

Before you start boasting about how smart you are, you must consider these three qualities in your life:

1. Knowledge

2. Relationship and

3. Spiritual Empowerment

If you remove these three qualities out of men, we are all the same and we will produce the same results.

This year will remain just like last year if everything you do is like last year. 

In your business, what are the new things you are planning to do? In your marriage, in your education, and your finance? What are you planning to do? Don't expect something new if you are not doing anything new.

Therefore, your access to light, strategic alliances with men of values, and access to divine empowerment will become your greatest advantage in 2022. 

I welcome you to DAY 10 IN THE YEAR 2022 *WISDOM EVERYDAY.* May you enjoy God's light during this journey in Jesus name. Amen!

Am Olaoluwa.


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