The Forerunner’s of destiny

In less than 30 days, we will be stepping into the second half of the year 2016.
A quick look of how the first five months of the year had been will be a great way to start the next half the year and just as you take a look at that you might be tempted to say things haven’t gone so well considering the harsh economic situation or maybe you have been able to achieve some of your set goals despite what the economic situation of the country is saying.
We wake up every morning by the grace and love of God, start up our daily routine and then set out to earn a living  for ourselves after all even the Bible says that the hands that doesn’t work should not eat. Yet a question that keeps beaming in my mind is that there has to be another meaning to life than our daily to- do list .While some people find purpose in all of these some just see this as a daily routine. What then is the difference between those that have found purpose and those that just live life as it comes?
A man’s life is shaped by what precedes his destiny and what precedes a man’s destiny is the man Himself. God has given us all the capability to determine how we want our lives to be.
Hence our destiny is determined by two basic elements the thoughts of our heart and the words of our mouth. Whatever a man will be is first conceived in his mind, then spoken with his mouth. “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he”-(Prov. 23:7).
Out of these two elements it’s the thoughts of the heart that’s the most crucial because they determine the things you say. Little wonder the bible also laid emphasis on our thought in Prov.4:23-(Guard your heart with all diligence for out of it flows the issues of life).
As we journey in the month of June and despite the economic situation, what are the words we speak to our life.Thinking right sets you on the path way of success.
 Fill your heart with the word of God today and let the Holy Spirit guide you.


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