Staying positive.

Staying positive gives you the mental toughness necessary to maximize performance and meet professional and personal goals. The RYM technique will turn your attitude around by changing your current thought patterns. You can quickly Renew Your Mind by reading something positive at least two times every day. You're heard it said, "You are what you eat." Have you ever considered that you are what you read? A person who can read, but chooses not to do so, is no better off than the person who can't.
The most positive people you will meet are often those who consistently feed their minds with positive insights from great writers. A good time to begin reading is in the morning when you are fresh and can retain the most information at an optimum level. Or take those last fifteen minutes before bed when your mind is active to fill it with encouraging material.
Throughout the day, make it a practice to RYM by reading and focusing on positive visual messages, uplifting quotes, posters, and books. Keep them close at hand. We all need continual positive reinforcement to combat the negative.


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