Don’t be ashamed.

There is no such thing as luck, do the work, put in the hours, get the reward.

“Don’t buy that $290 bag or shirt to have $10 in your pocket. Rather buy that $10 bag or shirt to have $290 in your pocket. Don’t go broke trying to look rich.” Emile Hirsch

Your past mistakes are meant to guide you, not define you.

LESSON Never underestimate: - Morals – Ethics.

INNER PEACE: This might not be popular, but have to say it. Much focus is placed on “inner peace” and just “being happy” and to not focus on money or financial gain in life. This causes much conflict in many people because they are driven by money – they don’t have much or maybe they didn’t grow up with much and it serves as motivation now. I say GO FOR IT. Don’t be ashamed. Be you. You can still have money as a main priority while being a good person. After you are rich, then you can do yoga all you want.

It cost zero money to be a nice person.

Old ways won’t open new doors.

Me? I’m old school. I still believe in respect.

How many success stories do you need to hear before you write your own.


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