Tell Ourselves.

Feel a bit stuck? Ask yourself what can you do to make someone’s day better. 

No onein this world was born to be a failure. Failure is a choice. Choose to win and make that your ONLY option. 

There comes a time when you ought to start doing what you want. Take a job that you love you will jump out of bed in the morning. – Warren Buffet 

Just because your mind tells you that something is awful or evil or unplanned or otherwise negative doesn’t mean you have to agree. 

Just because othe people say that something is hopeless or crazy or broken to pieces doesn’t mean it is. 

We decide what story to tell ourselves. Or whether we will tell one at all. 

Welcome to the power of perception. Applicable in each and every situation, impossible to obstruct. It can only be relinquished. And that is your decision. 

If it has nothing to do with your dreams. Don’t let it distract you. 

What do you believe is possible for you.


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