God does not punish his enemies including yours.

He saves them or does all he can to.😂

The sooner you’re able to come to terms with this, the better for you.

That’s what the Bible teaches at least.

If you don’t believe this, your understanding of the Christian faith is questionable.

Jesus revealed a God who is a hapless lover and redeemer.

How do you imagine that a Jesus who prayed for the forgiveness of his killers right in the middle of the very act of being unjustly murdered would kill your own enemies?

The God that punishes your enemies is not the God of the Bible.

God saved Paul.

How do you think Stephen’s family and friends felt about this divine “injustice?”

Paul had after all overseen the brutal killing of Stephen.

The Bible calls God the justifier of the ungodly not the punisher of the ungodly.

He’s in the business of loving the unloveable and saving the undeserving, and is deemed just in doing so.

If you want legal redress and retribution for injustices done to you, look to human courts not to the court of heaven for the God of the Bible would sooner save your offender than condemn them.


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